February 24, 2012


I think I mentioned some time ago something about some projects I’m preparing. Yes, I know, I could be called queen of vagueness :)
And now, the time has come to finally show you what the hell I was talking about. It’s my Dear Deer project. Why Tanja, what is Dear Deer? I’m glad you asked. It’s my own page I created to put on display my works, broches, rings, hair clips, and stickers for clothes. For now :)

So here’s the link, I hope you’ll like it. Well, I hope you’ll love it!

February 11, 2012

and I digress..

So I’ve been waiting for NY Fashion week to start as anxiously as they come. And of course yesterday (I was originally writing this on Thursday) I jumped on Vogue page to see the latest shows. I was pleasantly surprised. Usually I wait for FW like a little child waits for Christmas and, as most of little children (at least in the former Yugoslavia part – hahahah, bad joke), I’m a bit disappointed. So I’ve developed a form of thinking where I convince myself that it is better not to have too great expectations – ‘No shit, Jessica Fletcher!’ said mr. Dickens to.. well.. Jessica Fletcher. But I digress..
What I wanted to say is: I really liked Rachel Comey’sready-to-wear collection.
(damn, right now, I’m writing this on a piece of paper as a note, and I’m completely dyslexic. Thanks whoever for the autocorrect!)
I won’t go into details with the collection itself because honestly, probably every slightly fashion-connected blog/wlog/whatever is doing the reviews of fw ATM. I have a much more delightful agenda on my mind ;)
Yes, Rachel Comey I liked. I just might want to add I’ve never really followed what RC does or even who the hell she is. Never mind though.
Now here’s the part I really wanted to write about.
Oh, before I start, just one more thing, I promise. I can’t decide if I loved or hated Givenchy’s nose thingies. I guess I liked it, but not in ‘oh, it’s so couture, you’re not supposed to get it!’ way, but mainly because the guys really kind of reminded me of some modern interpretation of an ancient breed of matadors. Which is sexy in a way. Not the actual bull fighting way – I really dislike the treatment towards the bulls. But these matadors seem out of time, somewhat animalistic themselves. Like they respect the Bull above all. And that they could feel with the Bull. When the battle starts, it’s not man vs. animal. It’s the course of nature and for a moment they are one. Equal. Only faith will decide who will win. And THAT makes them noble. As for those few girls in the show.. I mean, is there a sexier thing than a woman in such brutal mens world? Fighting for existence, equality. To me it is power of life in its purest form. But of course this may be only my imagination and Givenchys intention really was just to shock and make you feel inadequate for not understanding this. Beats me.
I guess this pretty much makes my dilemma non existing. I didn’t like the show, I loved it. If it’s for the ‘right’ reasons or not I don’t actually care. I believe in my interpretation and that is what I like in fashion. You can always interpret it your own way. Even thinking as a designer – yeah, I do that too, I’m a crafty b*tch (on that note – I have a bunch of things I want to say about f****** peplums – but that’s another story) I don’t mind if someone interprets my work differently than I fist imagined. Sure it’s great if they ‘get you’. Hell, great is an understatement of universal proportion in this case. It is undescribable. That you do something and people not only response to you but they understand, and then just maybe even like!
But of course it is not always so. Still I believe it can be just as rewarding to give someone something that means something to them. You can call me a soft-hearted sucker who cares about world and is into giving and karma and what not, but what can I say, that is me.
Oh my, do I sound cheesy! I hope I’ll figure out something different to write until I’m supposed to post this (I didn’t).
Guess what! I don’t think I’ll write about the thing I primarily wanted! Sorry! You’ll just have to stick around for next post. Muahahahhah – that would be my poor impression of an evil laugh. Yeah.. 

ps. Sorry for no-photos post.. It's jsut that I really don't have much time right now to 'save-repost' all the pictures I wanted so I just put links to the shows.. Hope you don't mind***

February 5, 2012


Sorry. I know I’m the worst. It’s just that so much has happened and there’s so little time. And I’m preparing some huge projects. Hope I’ll be able to tell more soon.

Here’s just a little song I’m obsessed with lately :)

No need to mention that the video is magical, right??