January 25, 2013


so lately i've been a pretty good working little bee. this concerns the faculty work. and working all these long hours sets me back to my first year of studying. i was living in this amazing apartment in the very center of the city (for which i'll be forever grateful to my parents) but i wasn't really used being alone so whenever i had to work i had tv on in the background and my favorite channel was always mtv2 - the rock channel. it's so funny i've never realized how certain song got imprinted in my mind (and i don't even like all of them) and over the years they became the trigger for my association to school work. now we don't have a tv in the apartment where i live and i must say it's been years since i've heard them. but being in the working mode i am now the reverse thing happened. the songs didn't trigger my motivation to work, the work reminded me of the songs. so here is the list that was playing non stop in the lovely winter of 2006/2007.

January 14, 2013

peanut butter longings

i'm really busy right now and i dont really have time for writing posts (the ones in the making will be interesting, i promise) but for now.. just a print screen still shot from 'girls' (nice show btw).

i soo want this - it's a mixture of my favorite things - pb, cinnamon and raisins. right now. and yes. with two spoons preferable. if you know what i mean :)