in recent months 4 items became my standard attire.
- my dad's old vintage casio watch
i had the band reduced to a smaller size.. it's still a bit big, but i like it that way
- my frog ring
i bought it for my birthday here in milano at a flea market that takes place every saturday morning at p.ta genova and i managed to loose it when i went to rome in november. but luckily, when i came back again, they had one more. so this is actually froggy no.2
- my poodle ring
i also bought that one at the same flea market at the froggy one and i was so happy about it, beeecaaause.. one time a facebook quiz told me, if i was a dog, id be a poodle. so you see, it's perfect
- my cruciani bracelet
when i first came to italy, everybody had those bracelets. no, really. everybody. old ladies at the supermarket, hot (HOT) young business guys on the metro, random people on streets. and my first thought was.. well, that's one trend im not giving into. buuuuut, later i found out the story, and i liked it. so i bought this one for me, and another one (the same, except for the blue heart) for my boyfriend (hell yeah, i have one, not sure if i mentioned before.. nevermind, he'll get his own post soon enough). and another one, but the classic version for luck for my sis. and im happy i did. i've grown to really love it
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